Welcome to the Vrouwkundige, wich translates to Woman Expert. The professional counselor for problems women may encounter in everyday life. The Vrouwkundige has a broad view on your hormones and problems they may cause you. She can find an appropriate solution for them within your possibilities. She looks wider than just one problem, she takes into account the woman, YOU are central!
As of January 2025, the Vrouwkundige no longer runs consultation hours. We are still available for workshops, education or collaborations.
Very pleasant to réally talk to a specialist in the field of menstrual complaints.
Shelley, age 32Marijke understands the female body, hormones and discomforts. She gives useful advise and is a nice person with whom I immediately felt comfortable. She asked the right questions and really helped me with my painful and bloody periods.
Jessica, age 32Marijke is very knowledgeable about the female body and is very good at listening and analyzing your symptoms. This results in good advice that really helps. You feel seen as a human being and you understand yourself better. That gives peace and balance.
Anja, age 48